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How Ter Scott "Adds Color" to the Cosmos

It has been 2 days in of “adding color” to the Answers from the Cosmos blog and creating and presenting 3 optional colors for the readers to choose I am finding takes some time. But, I am really enjoying it. Just as I thought, doing this would create some wonderful serendipity for me too. Here I will share a bit about the process behind the scenes as to how these colors are chosen and how you as the participant may use your selection to experience your best results.

I have a collection of cards of assorted colors. For this month, this is how I choose the three cards; next month I may be inspired to do something different. I shuffle the “deck” 3 times. I then choose the top card as OPTION #1, the bottom card as OPTION #2 and then I cut the cards and use the top card as OPTION #3. When you choose your options, this information may or may not be important to you. I don’t really want you to “stress” over any decision and let your intuitive sense guide you as to which card to choose each time.

However some, like me, choose to make a decision at the outset and say something like, “I am number one, so each time I will always choose OPTION #1”. Others may say, “I want to create movement in my life so I make the decision to first choose OPTION #1, then OPTION #2, then OPTION #3, and then repeating.

Any way you choose to do this is absolutely fine and is all “how it is supposed to be”; for you. And finally, some will let the day “decide” which option is theirs. Can you see how this interactive process is fun and caters to your special need or situation? I’m very excited about that. The Daily Dose of the Cosmos’ wisdom byte is meant to speak to each reader individually, and it does, but some readers don’t dig enough into it or meditate on it or think beyond reading it for this to happen. When you select your Color Communication from the three options, this is “yours”. You can get something just from reading my input about your color but as with the daily wisdom bytes, I encourage you to do your own research about your color choice because as you do, from the variety of “meanings” and usages of your color, specific things which apply to you and your situation will become known to you. You can do a word search on the Internet for your research but also have an awareness of your color as you go through your day. Certain “revelations” will “jump” off the computer screen or become evident while visiting, conversing with people and varied activities that you do; write those down using the color pencil in your Color Journal.

Let me speak of one such serendipity that I’ve already experienced.

For me, all three cards are “exposed”, as I’ve shared above just how I do this. Then, I write about the three colors, that is, if I’ve not already published that color (I will always update these “color” pages). So for you the reader, one option is pertinent* to you but for me, all 3 cards have a meaning so I not only have three times the work, preparation and responsibility but these 3 colors have specific meaning to me.

Just as I would encourage you to minimally write down your color, plan how you may use it during your day, be aware of it and later reflect on your day and results; I too do just that, but again with all three colors. So finally, here is my serendipity to share with you and I hope it excites you.

I won’t reveal which day this was, but all three options were in this order:

  • Violet: Balance. 
  • Scarlet: Success. 
  • Gold: Abundance. 

During that day I looked and worked with each separately. But the next day when I reflected on all three, this is what I read: “Balance Success and Abundance”. Are you “seeing” this? I am to balance success and abundance! This really spoke to me because as the Life and Legacy Coach™ balance is what I teach with the Major 8.

Dear reader, this is the kind of “revelations” I want you to also experience with the Color Communication. And when you do have results such as this, please share it in the comments area for others to see. And, if it is extraordinary I may contact you and request to use in any published material relating to this.

*Unless of course, you choose a different method. You may choose all 3 options, only options 1  and 2, or 2 and 3 or any combination you desire. “Rules” are made to be “broken” in just about anything; that’s called “creativity” and usually leads to new inventions and methods of doing things. There is one caveat however and I always taught my graphic design students this: “Before you break the rules, you must first know them”. When you choose more than one color option also know that you then increase your research homework and your responsibility to be more aware; choose wisely! 

This is a work in progress and I create the color options as I choose these colors. All of the color options may be already published online when you are reading this or you may be those who are with me at the beginning of this project. Because it requires time for me to choose these three colors and then write about them, if you are here at the beginning of the project there may be times when you are at the daily Answers from the Cosmos and may be asked to revisit an earlier wisdom byte with the accompanying color options and asked to choose again or I may simply take those earlier three and change the order if I am inspired to do so. However, when this happens, nothing is unintentional by the Universe; all is “meant to be”. Also, be aware that even when all the colors have been published, the same color will become a choice again and again and again over time because I’m using the same “deck” of colors. If you are choosing the same color several times, this means that the Universe is telling you something, please listen. Dig in deeper with your research, get quiet and ask questions.

This has been a bit long but some have been wondering how these colors are chosen and the process.

As always, make it a great day.

Ter Scott!

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