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Always CELEBRATE Every Achievement regardless how large or small.

The seventh step in 7 Days to Wealth is… 


Congratulations dear reader, you’ve made it to step 7!

Did you "stumble upon" this page and want to start with the very first step of the 7? CLICK HERE

You’ve no doubt realized some results; major or minor already in your life already, just by going through these first 6 steps!

First let me share with you where and what inspired these six previous steps and just how successful they have been for myself, and countless others for years and years. Would it surprise you that others have amassed huge fortunes from following these simple steps?

In the highly acclaimed book, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, six of these seven were mentioned. I, of course, used my experience and expounded on each. I recommend that you purchase the book if you haven’t already and read it over and over. Bob Proctor has read it every day for years and years and testifies as this having the biggest impact on his life’s success!

I’ve added the seventh step for a few reasons. First, as I mentioned earlier, the number 7 has much significance; especially as a number for completion; and here the number seven is about completing your seven days to realizing your “amount” that you requested in step one. Also, as mentioned, this completes your seven days but my hope is that you’ll make this a life routine and repeat as many “seven days” and realize as many good things in your life as possible with this method.

The main reason I’ve added this step of celebrating is that it is so important to always complete your tasks and your goals, whatever they are or their size. When you write something down, you complete it, when you say something you do it, and when your subconscious sees this, feels it, hears it and experiences completeness, it and the Universe know that you are sincere and you are rewarded with your future requests and actions. They say, “He was earnest before so he is earnest and sincere now.

We will make it happen!”

Celebrating is also part of completion. That celebration may just be the “feeling” of accomplishment or a grand party. When you attain your desire, reward yourself by doing something to close this experience and to start a new one.

Don’t go after the rich; become the rich. 
If on your way you don’t become as rich as you desired, 
you’ll surely become richer than you were; 
not only in dollars and cents 
but in the sense of becoming a better person 
and deserving the abundance you’ve earned. 

Ter Scott! Life & Legacy Coach™

You have all seven steps. You may be like some readers who have had to start and restart these seven steps many times to get through the system just one complete time. Regardless, celebrate! Reward yourself.

What are you to do now that you’ve completed all seven steps? (If you haven’t please go back now and start with step one and move forward; even if you got your desired “amount” you requested in step one as your “future you” depends on doing these steps).

Would you like to get “The Rest of the Story”; the entire book and/or the System: The 7 Days to Wealth System? When it is available, you’ll see a link here. Please return or use the contact us form to request email updates and any bonuses we may offer!

Each of these 7 “chapters” is meant to give value on its own. After reading each, you will be equipped to do something to improve your life path to gaining “more” for your journey. Read the chapter several times, take notes in a journal and meditate and really think about what you’ve just read. Share the information or your thoughts with others. These steps can only make you a better person and you’ll certainly be ready for the next and following material.


 (CLICK HERE TO Type the 3 things you desire in the box below.) 

Okay, are you done typing the 3 things you want?
File your answers in the back of your mind. We’ll come back to them later.
Anthony Robbins, World Renowned Expert On Motivational Thinking and Affirmations, Said It Best…
“By repeating an affirmation over and over again, it becomes embedded in the subconscious mind, and eventually becomes your reality. That is why you need to be careful what you think and believe, because that is exactly what you will get!”
When you repeat an affirmation — and amplify its power through the computer technology built into the Sculptor Method, it becomes projected onto your mental screen and brought into reality by the innate creative ability of your subconscious mind.


You've completed the "7", now do you want THE REST OF THE STORY?

If the following link is not “clickable”, then “The Rest of the Story” is not yet published. Please be patient and return here to see when it is available or better still, use the contact us form and request Ter Scott’s MMM e-letter which shares updates, ideas and related things you are sure to like. You’ll also receive special and exclusive offers by the author by doing so.

Click Here for the REST OF THE STORY.

How would you like to make a difference in someone’s life, right now, today? These seven steps are available free starting with this link: 

You can share it with your group, as a freebie with your membership, or sale of a product or service or whatever. I do ask however that you do so with integrity and honesty, do not “spam” others, or hurt others in any way and that you make sure that this is “relevant” for your readers and customers. Share this link: 

Also, for readers of this article, please feel free to leave your thoughts, comments, and questions in the comment section below and use the social media buttons to share. Thanks!

Have you checked out the 7 Day Miracle Yet?

Here Are The Gems Found Within 7 Day Prayer Miracle READ MORE... 

How Amanda Ross’ shocking tragedy held the unexpected key to manifest jaw-dropping blessings on command. It’s almost like a “Netflix for Miracles.”

This Shockingly Simple 4-Sentence Prayer Has Helped 135,375 Ordinary People Manifest Extraordinary Miracles in Their Finance, Health and Relationships. 

Success story after success story of blessed ones that has connected with the secret of Archangel Michael and are now experiencing a raging free-flow of miracles.

Heavenly wisdom to manifest the fairy-tale romances -- or marriage if you choose -- of your dreams. 

I AM Healed, Healthy; Whole.

Please send this to the top of Youtube's ranking by sharing this important Healing video with everyone you know. We all can use this affirmation from time to time. I use it a "preventative maintenance" for staying healed, healthy and whole by returning and listening to this video from time to time. If this is your first time here, consider drifting off to sleep with it for 7 nights and then report and share your results here. It really works! For major depression, ailments, etc. , consider listening to this for 31 days.

Find out how you can get your 7 Day Miracle Prayer

There is no such thing as "junk mail".

I just went to my mailbox and got a few pieces of mail and a few pieces of what some might call junk mail.

From here out, I don't want you to call anything which comes to you as "junk". Words have meaning and when you say them either to yourself or out loud, you are declaring them, whether you think you are or not.

Who wants more "junk" in their life? Not me, I'm sure you don't either.

Refer to this as "opportunity" mail. When you get these pieces of mail you have the opportunity to make a purchase or not.

You are becoming aware of things that exist and you may want to bring to your life today or sometime in the future.

there are "people" behind the scenes who came up with the ideas, the layout of the advertisement, those who printed it, the truck driver who brought the paper from the mill to the printer to have it printed; all of the people who have dreams just as you do, who need to be blessed by your purchase.

Do not curse them for all they've done by getting this information to you. And do not curse yourself by your words.

The next time, and every time you receive an advertisement or flyer of any sort in the mail, even a political flyer, look at it, glance through the pages, and say "thank you" and bless it and everyone associated with it.

And then recycle it!

Do you have any more ideas about this "opportunity" mail topic? Leave them in the comments section below.

Also, I want you to know that I've just finished putting together my latest book, "31 Days of Cosmos' Wisdom. It is available in pdf form, at a substantially reduced price, for now before I publish it on Amazon.

Read about it here and if you choose to purchase it, please offer any feedback which will help me "polish" it prior to publishing.

Visit here to get the details.