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Listen to this Every Night to Have a Great Next Day!

Welcome to “My Morning Prayers”

These are "prayers" yes, but they are also relaxing affirmations you'll put out into the Universe to create your next day. These prayers will help in visualizing successful outcomes in situations you have planned and reduce stress and "dis-ease". 

I'm Ter Scott, the Life and Legacy Coach and I created this compilation of prayers to assist me in getting restful sleep after a full day and in anticipation for another great day. 

Listen to this for at least one time and you'll see why I suggest that you listen repeatly for 15 and then 30 days to start. 

Make it a great day! (by listening to this the night before). 


There will be two versions, this short; 20-minute version shown here which is great to play before drifting off to sleep or right away in the morning, listening to it in the background, and an 8-hour version which you can play all night long with the prayers repeated 15 times. From here, my description is for both. 

You can certainly listen to this narration in the morning while you are getting ready for your day, but it is created for you to listen to while you sleep so you are “praying” all night long and in the morning you’ll start your day with your prayers said and already working for you when you wake!

These prayers have been borrowed from men and women from history; some famous, some not; some chaplains and pastors, but all ministers. I too act now as a minister as I share these prayers and minister you. Most have been changed so as to be indistinguishable from the original. As with all things, I thank God and the Universe for all of these prayers and also for the inspiration which birthed them in the minds of others. I have taken each, modified them to become more personalized for an individual’s words, your words; and compiled them here for your use. Again, I offer my thanks to the originators of these prayers wherever and whenever they lived throughout history.

These prayers are also for “children of all ages”. You can play these for your child to help him or her rest peacefully, you can play this for anyone dealing with stress and sickness of any kind and for yourself as I’ve already mentioned as a daily preparation for a great day! By the way, there are no subliminal messages or elements which will make you drowsy so you can listen also while you are driving or exercising.

All prayers have been modified slightly to make them more personalized; as they should be. Where a well-known prayer stated “our” and “us” for example, it has been changed to “I” and “me”. They have also been modified slightly to be easier to understand and be read and listened to, and more easily absorbed by your subconscious. It is not my intent to change any jot or tittle but to again personalize this for you, the listener. The original texts to each can be easily found if you’d like to do the research on your own.

They are sometimes in the “Kings English"; using “thys” and “thous” if that is the most common usage of the prayer (as with The Lord’s Prayer, which is really the “Pray-er’s” Prayer as the disciples asked Christ to teach them to pray).
I've even included table graces but they've been modified as giving thanks for "a new day", to ingest and nourish our souls with our thoughts and intent just as we would nourish our bodies with our food.

The word “Amen” is used multiple times as it is not the “end” of prayer but as an acknowledgment and confirmation meaning "so be it". You can stop and resume again just about anywhere in the narration audio after any “Amen”. Also, you’ll hear “Amen” in sets of threes as three is a very powerful and meaningful number. Speaking of numbers, 15 is also a very powerful and meaningful number. For example, the early mystics repeated the Lord’s Prayer 15 times per session. You’ll hear all of these prayers on this narration audio for a total of 15 times. I recommend that you repeat listening to these prayers as often as you would like from this day forward but for a minimum of 15 nights to start, and then 30, which is 15 twice. There are also 15 prayers here and they are all stated 15 times. Yes, this is a long narrated audio. It’s meant that way. You can listen to it all night or during your day. I’ll have start and end times for each set of 15 below the video if you’d like to skip this introduction and start where you’d like. You’ll also find a link somewhere to download a pdf of all of the prayers. It helps to read along at times for extra emphasis and power.

Oh, and don’t be surprised that after listening to this on a regular basis (15 to 30 days to start) you’ll find yourself questioning things and doing more research on things about life and soul; because you will. Your life will also become less stressful and more “easy”. You’ll find yourself staying well more and gaining more in money, friends and true enjoyment in your life; that's real abundance! You’ll even start to like yourself more! You’ll become more “aware” of things (and "messages") around you; things that you can change, things that you can’t change, and ways to act on both.

If you are listening to this during your day, you can ignore my next few sentences and simply enjoy these good thoughts in the background as a soundtrack for your day.
If you are praying in your sleep, let’s proceed together.

So get ready to release your thoughts, your prayers and your thanks and gratitude for all. All is well. Simply enjoy the process. If you are going to sleep, I wish you big dreams and restful, restful sleep. Relax, get in a comfortable position, lie down and gently float away to a deep soothing sleep. As with any sleep time, you can always wake when you need to. You are safe, you are protected, you are sleeping peacefully. 

Here are the prayers. They are your prayers; these are your words and you are saying them to yourself and as you hear them; you are saying that they are “my” prayers and my words:

Overcome Disappointment While you Sleep, By Ter Scott

Hello and welcome to Ter Scott’s 3 by 3 Affirmations for Living. 
I’m Ter Scott, and this
narration is: I Overcome all Obstacles and Disappointments

Disappointment is our own choosing. We are not disappointed when we know that this event is just an indication that there is something else; something better for us ahead. Just as failure is not “failure” when we see it as just one way that didn’t work. You probably heard of Edison’s response to the question, “How does it feel to have failed a thousand times in trying to invent the lightbulb?” when he said, “I did not fail 1000 times, I just found 1000 ways that didn’t work”. Also what many “storytellers” who share the Edison lightbulb illustration do not tell you (maybe because they haven’t thought it through) are that Edison no doubt had inspiration for other inventions along this 1000 step journey!

When you have an event which “didn’t work” for you, and you will have thousands in your lifetime, know that they are just that, events. Learn from each and mold them for your own use to move forward.

There is no need to struggle; all is easy and all is well. All is good, as it should. Listen to this before drifting off to sleep for a minimum of 30 days and your belief level will grow and you’ll move forward in faith knowing that you know that you know that you know.

Also, you can use them during your waking hours too. Additionally, to listening to this audio, I suggest that you consider doing the following:

1.              Write these 3 affirmations out 3 times daily morning, noon and night.

Read your affirmations one time morning, noon and night (and when possible, write them one time morning, noon and night).

You can listen to this audio for your 30 days without writing or saying them, but the more you do with them, the more they become ingrained into your subconscious and start to work on “autopilot”. 

You can listen to this audio for your 30 days without writing or saying them, but the more you do with them, the more they become ingrained into your subconscious and start to work on “autopilot”.
Listen to this audio while reading and writing out your affirmations; and also listen while doing other things throughout your day, and especially while drifting off to sleep. There are no subliminal background elements so you can even listen while driving or at work without becoming tired.

Here are your 3 sentences to write and say, followed by 30 minutes of repeated narration. I will present the timeline below which shows you at what point the affirmation narration starts so you can skip this introduction for future sessions if you’d like.

Here are your 3 affirmations to conquer any and all disappointment in your life:

I feel fine about all outcomes in life. When a door closes it means God
has something better in store for me.

When I see others succeed I sincerely rejoice with and for them
because this is evidence that success is also possible for me.

Disappointments will happen but I know that moment by moment
new and better appointments are created for me.

Now I understand that your belief may not be in agreement with these affirmations. That is OK, trust that they are true and will be true for you.

And remember, in stating your affirmations and in listening, know that you are acting in faith as you are calling things which aren’t (yet) into the present. You may not be able to rejoice when someone else gets the promotion you wanted or went through some door which you thought was meant for you, yet; but you can learn to do so. If you would like personal guidance and suggestions as to how to get beyond this event, place your comments below.

Here are your affirmations again so you can write them out on 3 by 5 cards to carry with you 
and read 3 times every day:

I feel fine about all outcomes in life. When a door closes it means God
has something better in store for me.

When I see others succeed I sincerely rejoice with and for them
because this is evidence that success is also possible for me.

Disappointments will happen but I know that moment by moment
new and better appointments are created for me.

I now invite you to listen to the following affirmations throughout your day and especially as you drift off to sleep. If you are using this for sleep, simply get comfortable, relax every part of your body, and enjoy these words of truth to you.

(If you are using this video for "sleep", the following may be of interest): 

"Learn How to Get More Energy From Your Sleep. Wake Up Feeling Refreshed 
with Lasting Energy from Only 5-6 Hours of Sleep" READ MORE.

And you may also like: 

How To Activate Your Natural Relaxation Response In Just 7 Minutes...

Stress less, sleep better, and show up every day as the best version of yourself!
CLICK HERE for details.

I Prosper in Wealth & Health

Hello and welcome to Ter Scott’s 3 by 3 Affirmations for Living. 
The following is the narration to the video. 
Read along as you watch the video to more easily learn and digest the material. 
I’m Ter Scott, and this narration is: 
I Prosper in Wealth and Health

There is no need to struggle; all is easy and all is well. All is good, as it should. Listen to this before drifting off to sleep for a minimum of 30 days and your belief level will grow and you’ll move forward in faith knowing that you know that you know that you know.

Also, you can use them during your waking hours too. Additionally, to listening to this audio, I suggest that you consider doing the following:

1.      Write these 3 affirmations out 3 times daily morning, noon and night.

2.      Read your affirmations after you’ve written them.

You can listen to this audio for your 30 days without writing or saying them, but the more you do with them, the more they become ingrained into your subconscious and start to work on “autopilot”.
Listen to this audio while doing so and also while drifting off to sleep. There are no subliminal background elements so you can even listen while driving or at work without becoming tired.

Your 3 sentences to write will be given to you momentarily followed by 30 minutes of repeated narration.

Here are your 3 affirmations:

  • God wants me to prosper in wealth and health.
  • Jesus is always at my place of need and is ready and willing to bless.
  • I owe no one anything, but love.

Now I understand that your belief may not be in agreement; that’s OK, trust that it is true. You can search the Scriptures and find that this is written. I’m also aware of how others will sometimes point out or live by the Scriptures which seem to contradict these but that is also OK, let them live and you live with your choices. Choose to live by these words. And what is the worst that can happen? You’ll seek wealth, health, blessings and share the love. And that I’m sure you’ll agree is good.

And remember, in stating affirmations, you are acting in faith as you are calling things which aren’t (yet) into the present. You may not be in “wealth and health” yet, but you will be. You may not realize that Jesus is at your place of need and ready to help you and bless you, but you soon will as your faith and belief grow and it may seem like that right now, in the present, you owe everyone in the world but you will soon only be debted to others in love, because you can never repay the debt of love which Jesus gave you when he died on the cross. “For God so loved the world…” is the only reason there is that we can love; truly love.

Here are your affirmations again so you can write them out:

  • God wants me to prosper in wealth and health.
  • Jesus is always at my place of need and is ready and willing to bless.
  • I owe no one anything, but love.

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How does it work -Some history-
Subliminal therapy is not a new thing. It was started back in the early 1900's. One of the first methods of subliminal suggestion used was called whisper therapy, in which a patient was whispered suggestions in hopes of subconsciously induce him/her for behavior improvement. As technology has increased subliminal messages have been included in many forms of media including images, music and sound.
Subliminal messages have been used by governments and companies to influence individuals.

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Introduction to 3 by 3 Affirmations System

Introduction to 3 by 3 Affirmation System by Ter Scott!

Following are 3 affirmations which you are to write 3 times in the morning, 3 times at noon and 3 times before retiring for sleep. Each time you finish writing them, read each. Do this for 3 days in consecutively before moving on to the next set of 3. If you miss a day or miss doing this 3 times for any of the 3 days, start again. There is a reason for this.

If you miss one of the three times during a day, don’t “beat yourself up”.  Be easy with this and learn. If you’ve not been able to do the “assign-ment” 3 times a day and for 3 days in a row, then you are meant to take more time in learning. It is not a marathon and the next set will always be waiting for you when you are ready.

If you “stumble” upon any set of 3, you can start with that set as there really is no “order” in doing the sets. Do the set you’ve found and then get into a routine of doing a set of “3 for 3” before moving on. Also, you may find that you want to work on an entire set of 3 for 7 days, or even 31. The minimum is 3 days but you can certainly invest more days if you’d like.

Why 3, you may ask.

Three is the first number to which the meaning "all" was given. It is The Triad, being the number of the whole as it contains the “beginning”, “middle” and “end”. There are so many sets of “threes” in life and death which denotes its power. Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, body, soul and spirit, heaven, earth, and waters; even water can be liquid, solid and vapor. You’ll become more aware of your past, present, and future when you follow your 3 by 3 journey.

Enjoy your new present!

Ter Scott, Life & Legacy Coach™

Please note the links to resources somewhere on this page or site which we feel may be useful to you on your 3 by 3 journey. If you have questions and comments, we welcome them too and will reply to all of them. 

"The Devil Can't Touch Me" Affirmations

Welcome to…
Ter Scott’s 3 By 3 Affirmations

This narration is: The Devil Can’t Touch Me

For an introduction to the 3 by 3 Affirmations System, CLICK HERE. 

Write these 3 affirmations out 3 times daily morning, noon and night. Listen to this audio while doing so and also while drifting off to sleep. There are no subliminal background elements so you can even listen while driving or at work without becoming tired.

Your 3 sentences to write will be given to you momentarily followed by 30 minutes of repeated narration.

Here are your 3 affirmations:

  • The Devil cannot touch me; I am God’s property.
  • God loves and cares for me.
  • Jesus lives at my house.

I now invite you to listen to the following affirmations throughout your day and especially as you drift off to sleep.