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Why 99% of people remain dissatifisfied with how much money they are making:

Read my FREE REPORT: Creating, Expecting and Managing Your Manifestations CLICK HERE

To get details on today’s “The Magic of Manifestation” CLICK HERE. 

Chances are that you're battling limiting beliefs right now. Let's take money, for example; after all, money is probably the most common reason why people start using the Law of Attraction.
But here's the thing – you don't get something for nothing. In other words, you can't just sit on your couch and expect that one day your life is going to miraculously change.
Practically all of us want more money.
So how come 99% of people in the world remain dissatisfied with how much money they are making? Why is it so many people find it so difficult to manifest abundance?
Over and over again I have heard people set financial goals and objectives and then try to manifest them – only to fail.
Here's an example: a man says he is going to have $1 million in his bank account by the end of next year.
Unfortunately, no matter how hard he tries, nothing much changes.
The reason for this is simple: he really doesn't believe he's worth $1 million. Deep down inside, he believes he's really only worth $50,000 (or whatever). This deep seated belief means he stands no chance of reaching his goal.

However, there are ways to overcome these limiting beliefs and achieve your true desires and I share them with you in "The Magic of Manifestation." 

Read my FREE REPORT: Creating, Expecting and Managing Your Manifestations CLICK HERE

To get details on today’s “The Magic of Manifestation” CLICK HERE. 

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