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The Major 8™ is the Track to Run on, and a "list" of birthday gifts!

The Major 8™ is the Track to Run on which I use for my coaching. I have used this to set goals, achieve goals and review goals; to set my future, achieve my future and evaluate my achievements for many years. I know it works.

The Major 8™ are eight areas which are the major desires most everyone. Yes, there are essentially only eight areas of desire that all people have. You can have all eight desires and you can live abundantly in all eight. It is possible because I live them every day.

I don’t really count my chronological years and think of my calendar birthdays coming up or those which have already gone. I literally have to think of the year I was born and think if the current year is odd or even to be sure of my age.  Today for example, I woke up and realized that, “Hey, I think today today’s my birthday”; I had to look at the date on my phone to be sure. I then thought of how each of the Major 8™ are “gifts” and I acknowledged them and was grateful for each. (To show you exactly just how “unaware” of it being my birthday, I had received a card mailed to me in a red envelope, had red lettering on the cover of the card and I even read or probably skimmed the Happy Birthday part and thought that it was a Valentine’s Card as it was Valentine’s Day the week prior!).

Since I live the Major 8™ daily and of course use them in my coaching, I can say the forward and backward. For you I will present them from one through eight. If you are not one of my students or have been to any of my talks, or read my materials this may be the first time you’ve heard of them and you may think that as you read them here that these eight can not possibly be the only eight desires people have and I will tell you that I’ve yet to discover something which is desired by someone which isn’t under one of these headings. Also, I wish for you to know that each of these eight require some more deliberation in depth but for now, think of this only as an introduction.

Perfect Health
Enjoyment of Food
Restful Sleep
Life and Legacy
Sexual Gratification
Well-being of Family and Friends
Feeling of Importance and Respect

That’s it; that is all eight! And guess what? When you first of all learn of these eight, you become “aware” and as you become more aware you become more deliberate in all areas and as each of the eight areas are tended to, you create balance in your life making you fulfilled and happy.

If you are curious as to how you can have your life fulfilled and happily “adjusted”, consider joining my coaching programs. Use the contact form on this page to request more information.

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