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Do what you desire.

Do what you desire.
Ter Scott, Life & Legacy Coach™

Desire Big but Start Small

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We all have big desires but many do not materialize for many reasons. One reason is we may not know how to turn our desires into reality. I will address that here with an actual method to do so. We’ll start “small” and later you’ll use the exact same method (with a few tweaks) to get any desire of any size. Let’s get right to it. Grab a pen and paper. 

Here is your "assignment". 

Ask yourself these questions and then answer them.

What do I desire? List several; list all (over time).

Why do I desire this?

Why don’t I already have it (materialized) now?

To do this exercise, please start with something very, very simple. In the movie, The Secret, they used a cup of coffee for their example. You can too, or perhaps you feel you should write a letter or right a wrong. You might call someone. Whatever it is that comes to your mind this moment is what you should do; for this start of this exercise. Later you’ll work on “bigger” things.

Write down this desire, “I desire a fresh, hot cup of coffee”.

Image result for free image coffee

Manifesting is as easy as 
pouring yourself a cup of coffee. 
(Image by

Now, consider “why” you desire this. You haven’t written or called this person in a long time and you’ve had a strong feeling that you “should”. It’s morning or afternoon and a cup of coffee “sounds” good just now. Whatever your thought is; whatever your desires (positive thoughts only) write that down.

Now, write down several (at least three) reasons why you haven’t “materialized” them yet. I state this in this way because everything you desire already exists; it just isn’t yet in your hand. You just haven’t taken action to accept it … yet.
For example, you desire a cup of coffee, and you write this down; and you declare it out loud. You then answer why it is that you desire this coffee, you write this down and you declare it out loud. You then write down at least three reasons why you haven’t yet realized this cup of coffee (don’t declare that; but do declare out loud what you will do to get this cup of coffee).

Now take the action required to accept your cup of coffee. Walk to your kitchen and make some. Walk or drive to the local coffee shop and buy some. Or, what’s that? Your phone is ringing and a friend is inviting you over for a cup of coffee!

It may surprise you that you’ve been manifesting all of your life. I want you to learn from this lesson that when you first thought of having a cup of coffee and then going to your kitchen or local coffee shop, that you’ve manifested your thought. Thoughts do become things and when you translate your thought into a thing you’ve manifested it. The “trick” is to “master” your manifestations and “control” them to become the realization of your own desires.

Blue Bmw Sedan Near Green Lawn Grass
Image by

Later I’ll share with you more about manifesting bigger things however; essentially you’ll use the same steps. Instead of coffee you’ll manifest a car.

Leave your comments below or use the contact form on this page to get your "No Fee Coaching" on this article and assignment. 

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