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How Many Colors are in a Rainbow?

Welcome! If you’ve “stumbled upon” this page it is not an accident; you are meant to be here. Please read, follow and enjoy. Today (for you) may very well depend on it!

For those who are part of this “routine” I also welcome you.

YOUR "COLOR" IS: The Rainbow! 

This is like having it “all” because the rainbow has “all” the colors imaginable! You can be more alive and energized. The rainbow can connect you to your mystical and creative areas. I say “can” because it is up to you always to take this information and build upon it as you “feel” you should.  Here are a few ways to use today’s “rainbow revelation” in your day.

Do a word search for “rainbow”, “rainbow meaning” “rainbow spiritual meaning” and “rainbow mystical meaning” and perhaps any other word phrases which you come up with.

For today, practice using, appreciating and being aware of all five of your senses. See more, taste more, hear more, feel more and smell more. Take a walk in a park or forest and let your senses become more alive as if each sense were a color of the rainbow!

Make a note in your “Coloring Book” (journal of color) what you found in your word search for “rainbow”; that which makes sense and speaks to you. Then make a note of how you used all your senses and a bit about your experience walking in the park or forest.

Then, if you feel so inclined, share some of your thoughts with the rest of us in the comments below.

Did you like this exercise? If you would like to use color as a daily promotion and devotion to get into motion, CLICK HERE to find out what this is all about!

Ter Scott!Cosmos

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