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No more whining; no more excuses.

Sometimes I like to keep these messages short; sometimes it's more effective.

Have you ever thought you should give up; or not start at all? You may know that I love lists and usually lists numbered to 10.

Today's assignment is to

1. List 10 excuses why you are not doing something you know you should do, why you are not being the person you know you need to be, and why you are not having the life you should have.

2. Watch this video.

3. Throw your list away.

Have an attitude of gratitude and try to be as happy as this guy in the video is!

Make it a great day.

Terrific. Energizing. Results!

Jack Bosch shows how to make online money from home; FREE webinar.

If you are not making money from at least 10 different areas and in 10 different ways, you don't know Jack! 

NOTE: This webinar may be repeated through out the year. If you miss this one, or come to this site in the future, please try the links anyway to see any other option that may be available. 

Many of my readers are interested in making more money and there are so many ways to do so. Here I am sharing a link to a webinar by my friend Jack Bosch. He makes money from so many areas and I'm sure that you'll find something that may interest you. If not, your mind will still be "educated" and perhaps you'll be inspired to do something else or you'll get an idea of your own that will be worth a million dollars or more. 

Jack is allowing me to promote this to my readers but of course enrollment is limited and he doesn't do these often. I suggest that you go to his site now and hopefully one of the times will work for you (or move some things around in your schedule to be there). I apologize in advance if the webinar is already full. Click here to register

Remember that money is only one of the Major 8 ™. However, the principles in one area such as money are the same in each of the other areas. For instance, let's say you want more time. When you know how to manage your money, the same principles apply to managing your time. What about relationships? When you have better money management, you can manage your friendships. (Remember though that we manage things and lead, and love, people). So, I've talked enough. I won't keep you from Jack any longer so you don't miss out. Register here before the webinar gets filled. Then come back here and leave your comments. 

Make it a great day! 

PS. If the webinar is full, CLICK HERE for another way to register

How Can I Win a Million Dollars? Expect it.

Expect to Win!

Some of you may know that I have and maintain over 100 blogs (known on the Internet as “Ter Scott, Man of 100 Blogs”) and I teach blogging techniques, etc. I have a lot of fun with blogging and earn money, etc. etc. Today I wanted to tell you about one of them and how “expectancy” plays a part in the success of its readers. The blog is called Find Sweepstakes and of course the success of the readers is when they actually win something.

How many of us buy a lottery ticket, or a raffle ticket with money that most of us worked hard to get; and money goes “away” from us. But then we nullify any chance of money coming back to us by saying something (stupid) like, “I probably won’t win”, “I never win”, etc. etc. 

I have one word for you, “SHUT-UP!”

I could stop here but I’ll go on and explain this just a bit. Keep your thinking negative thoughts inside your head and eventually change your expectancy thinking all together. But certainly don’t speak it into existence. Every time you send money away from you, bless it and ask it to return one hundred fold and then expect it to do so. Again, remember that when you plant a tomato seed, you expect a tomato (or several) to come from this one seed. And you don’t feel undeserving when it happens. You accept it.

So the next time you enter a sweepstakes, expect to win! Want to win a million dollars? Expect it! 

Make it a great day!

Old home, newer home; have your blessed it lately?

Have you blessed your home lately?

You may have seen wall signs that state: “God Bless this Home” but did you know that you can and should do this also? Do you routinely thank God, or the Universe for your dwelling, and the rooms in it. Before you leave on a trip to you ask a blessing on it? A simple “Bless this place” type prayer before you leave each day is a good thing to do.

Recently my daughter and her family moved to a different place. I suggested to her that she should do a few things before she leave her previous home. I told her that she needed to take some time to sit quietly in each room and give thanks for the memories in each and think of the times spent there. She should show appreciation for what each space had given her and be thankful. I don’t know if she did this or not, but I’m thinking that this is a good thing to do. I sent her a picture of her holding her first born as she came down the stairs to remind her that many good things happened to and for her in that place. Finally, pray that good things will be in store for the people that will move in and take your place!
I didn’t tell her this, but blessing her  new place is also important. One should dedicate, consecrate, and appreciate any new space. It’s a good thing to have your priest or pastor come to your new home and place a blessing on it, but you can do this also. Stand outside and look at the front of the house to see the total view and give thanks. Walk around the house stating blessings and saying good things about the building and bless those who will live there, in their coming and their going, and for those who visit. As you walk inside, go from room to room as if you were first looking at the house before buying it, as if you are taking a tour of the home. Appreciate each room, nook and cranny! Look forward to great living in this space that you’ve chosen (and was chosen for you).

You can, and should do this for every physical thing that you have. For instance when you get a different (newer) vehicle, pray for safety and durability; it will keep you from harm and last longer! When you get a new appliance; dishwasher, refrigerator, or wash machine- pray a blessing over it! You’ll have less maintenance costs.

We should make a habit of being aware of ways to bless. When we see a father and son having a talk over coffee at the restaurant, when we see someone speeding past us on the highway, when we see or hear an ambulance, we should pray a blessing on them. And oh by the way, it is true that what goes around does come around!

Make it a great day!

Have you been hurt? Has someone stolen from you? Let it go.

There is hurt everywhere. But there is also promise of love and good things (dwell on those). 

I remember working at a Pawn Shop (a big franchised; high class outfit) in which a woman came in and swore up and down that one of our cameras (probably valued now at less than $20) was hers that someone had stolen. It wasn't as we kept all paper trails etc. but this woman was so adamant that this person was going to pay, and she was going to get her revenge. The energy that she put into this negativity was so much that I'm sure it was taking her mind away from the "good" in her life (as we can't picture more than one thing in our minds at the same time) and was probably causing her illness. All of this because of an old camera that was almost out of date. But she would not have it any other way, she would find this person and they would "pay"! Sad.

Recently I saw something similar on Facebook. It was for an iPad and yes it is more expensive than the old camera I just spoke of and it had some important photos in it; very important as it was pictures of a child's recently deceased father. But the principle is the same. Focus on the good memories and not taking all of your energy in composing a letter/poster, putting it up all over the place and putting your energy into this. Let go and appreciate what you have. Feel sorry for the "thief" and pray for him or her and send up good thoughts. It's the only way to improve the situation. Love people; not things, even iPads.

Have you seen the Movie (DVD), The Secret? Get AUDIO here Free!

This is just out and I think you'll like it. It's FREE MP3 audio that teaches "The Secret BEHIND the Secret"; some real cool stuff. And yes, it is completely free, just click on the image below to get to it.

It is also on my webpage which offers much more materials about The Secret and when you purchase anything from these additional materials shown on the page, when you forward your confirmation email of the sale to my office, you'll get one of my latest eBooks absolutely FREE!


CLICK HERE (or the image) to get your FREE AUDIO: The Secret Behind the Secret!

T. Scott's Friend and Mentor, T. Harv Eker offers "Level 10" FREE REPORT!

Are you 100% happy with the way your life is right now?

Are you living a fulfilled, balanced life...where all areas of your life are a "Level 10"?

If you answered "NO" to either of these questions, your life could change in a matter of minutes by reading T. Harv Eker's newest report.

Click here for instant access