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Submit Your Desires and Wishes to Infinite Wisdom

Submitting Your Desires to Infinite Intelligence

You don't have to have my book in hand or have even read past excerpts to do what I share today, but does go along with the book if you have been following it these past several weeks. I understand that some readers will not purchase the book or may have stumbled upon this site so I wanted to give something of value here for all. 

This is part of an ongoing series which will highlight my new Kindle Book: Attainment Revelation Celebration. Be sure to register on this page to "Follow by Email" so you won't miss any subsequent excerpts!

Earlier with these excerpts I’ve shown how you start the process, how to state your wishes in the present tense as if you’ve already attained them. Of course you’ll get more details and ideas on how to do all of this when you read the full version: Attainment Revelation Celebration Day; How to Create Your Own Special Holiday to Manage and Measure Your Attainment Results. I continue now by explaining how you’ll close your Revelation Celebration day by submitting your list and then go on about your life for the next twelve months, trusting that Infinite Intelligence is working on your behalf to bring them about.

So, you now have your wishes listed under each of the headings of the Major 8. As I stated before, you could choose to simply list 10 things you’d like to have within the next twelve months, but for me, I find that listing one wish under each of the Major 8 offers a more rounded life result. Remember too that we need to seek to “be, have and do” with our wishes.

Look at your paper and read the words that you’ve written by your own hand. Cherish them, they are yours. Close your eyes and think of each of them. No changes, you’ve spent time in considering them and they are truly what you desire. Now while your eyes are closed, fold your sheet containing your precious dreams that you wish to be fulfilled, and place it in an envelope. Seal the envelope. Now open your eyes. You see the envelope you are holding? This is very special. Handle it with special care!

You will now write on your envelope: “My Special Desires. Open on Revelation Celebration Day”. Then write the future date of your Revelation Celebration day, which is exactly twelve months from the date that you write this. Notice that I stated “Open on…” not “Do not open until…”; as we always want to state things in the positive.

Locate your envelope in a place where you’ll find it when your Revelation Celebration holiday arrives. My suggestion is to put it in a place where you keep your other important papers such as your Will, and other financial matters. Be sure to circle your special date on your calendar. You can also give yourself an alert on your smart phone or on your calendar a month or week ahead of the date so you’ll plan and look forward to this new traditional event in your life! 

Don’t miss how I explain the correct way to list your wishes and then the process for submitting them to Infinite Intelligence for attainment as I continue this process in future posts. If you’d like the complete system (which offers more detail), consider purchasing my Kindle Book on Amazon for $4.99* called: Attainment Revelation Celebration Day; How to Create Your Own Special Holiday to Manage and Measure Your Attainment Results! (The price may be slightly higher or lower depending on certain marketing variables depending on when you are reading this).

The book is priced at $4.99 for only a limited time. We will continue to do market tests and then raise the price to 7.99, then 9.99 and continue in increments all the way to $29.99 and may eventually remove it from Amazon and market it via other methods.

Conquer Fear of Flying and Enjoy Traveling

You do not need to fear anything; especially flying. I know that some of our readers don't believe that they can travel to places, see other interesting "worlds" that this world has to offer because they do not "like" to fly. Please, read what this pilot has to share with you!

Attainment Revelation Celebration by Ter Scott at Drastic Discounted Price

Drastic Discounts are all week on Attainment Revelation Celebration at Amazon, but discounts start at a whopping 81% off and get larger each day as you delay. So go there now and enjoy this great Kindle book that will empower you to attain your goals this year and every year!

The price may vary depending on when you are reading this. Today it looks like this:

Ter Scott to Offer Attainment Class in Duluth Minnesota

Attain Whatever you Want in 2014

Ter Scott has over 4000 readers of his Secrets to Attainment Blog (Available on Amazon) where he helps people around the world attain good things in their lives using the principles by such people as Bob Proctor (The Secret), Tony Robbins (Unlimited Power, Awaken the Giant Within), Mark Victor Hanson and Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup for the Soul) and others. This class will consist of exercises, techniques, and discussion on how you can attain anything, anywhere, at any time.  

Attendees receive free eBook: Pearls of Prosperity written and published by the instructor.
 (Abbreviated version):

SIGN UP for the class; space is limited. "This is the first time I've offered an Attainment class" say Scott. "I'm very excited about the outcome".

Include Others in Your Wishes to Bring them About Sooner

Include Others in Your Wishes

(Sometimes there is what I call a "phantom image" of a video within these blog posts (you may see it at the beginning of this post), depending on what browser you may be using. There really is no "live" video; just a grey box with an arrow to play it. Please disregard. We are working to fix this. Thank you).
This is part of an ongoing series which will highlight my new Kindle Book: Attainment Revelation Celebration. Be sure to register on this page to "Follow by Email" so you won't miss any subsequent excerpts!

Your desires don’t have to be just for yourself. You can include others in your wishes. In the two earlier examples of the first two in the Major 8 (Good Health, Enjoyment of Food), you might state your wish as, “I am healthy as I take walks every other day with my significant other” and, “I enjoy my weekly coffee time with my daughter and our relationship is great!” (I offer more examples in each of the Major 8 in my book: Attainment Revelation Celebration Day; How to Create Your Own Special Holiday to Manage and Measure Your Attainment Results!

I think you are getting the idea now that you need to create one or several wishes for each heading of the Major 8 on your paper. I like to choose one preferably but you can list up to 3. Be sure that you list at least one item for each area of the Major 8. You may remember at the outset of my explaining this system that I stated you might choose to create a list 10 things you desire to (“be, have, and do” within the next twelve months; that’s fine too. Use either the Major 8 as I do, or your list of 10 Things that you wish to attain, or feel free to alternate from your Major 8 list, and your list of 10 Things over the years. This is your holiday!

In the next section of this Revelation Celebration system I will tell you how to submit your desires and wishes to Infinite Intelligence and trust in their fulfillment within the next twelve months for you to celebrate on your Revelation Celebration Day!