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Plan to attain your desire, and work your plan. Here's how.

If you sincerely desire anything, you will surely have what you desire. 

That’s my promise. I’ve seen this happen in my own life many times and I’ve seen it work when I’ve worked it and seen it not work when I’ve not worked it. As with anything in life, you must have a plan and work your plan. It’s been said and I believe it true, we don’t plan to fail but we fail to plan; and that’s why we fail!

From here out there is no excuse for “failure” for you, that is when you work this plan. Quit beating yourself up (if you are) if something doesn’t happen “overnight”; it will take some time to see changes but you do need to expect changes and then seek to “see” them as they become apparent to you; as they actually start to appear all around you, and then acknowledge them! Be grateful for them and show your gratitude!

You are about to embark on a wonderful journey of realizing your desire or desires. It’s OK to have many but I will show you how to focus on just one (with a few assisting and strengthening, supporting desires) to achieve it before going on to even greater desires.

About this “system”.

This book is book one of three in a system called 1-2-3 Prosperity. Book one with all of its content includes a 7-day email course will always be absolutely free. This is to help anyone who is struggling with achieving what they want in life. It’s filled with real "helps" and I’m holding nothing back. It will be as jammed packed and filled with value just as Books 2 and 3 of the system. The participant and graduate of the steps outlined in part (Book) one will then be able to be well on his or her way to achieving whatever it is that they desire. Books 2 and 3 are also essential to added success in achieving any desire but anyone will see major results with Part 1. When you graduate from Part one of this system you can “stop” there but I’m hoping that you’ll be hooked on your “good” results and want to join me and others in becoming even better to do more, to be more and have more for yourself and others.

Here’s what you’ll experience in Part one:

1.    Finding and Acknowledging your Greatest Desire
2.    Writing down your Desire
3.    Planning for Results
4.    Working your Prosperity Formula
5.    Writing a Letter to God
6.    Your “Magic” Daily List
7.    Writing to Your Angel

Would you like to be a part of this “system” in the making? As I’m creating this system I will be sharing excerpts right here at this site from time to time. As a regular reader, you’ll be able to glean the benefits of the thoughts and steps which I outline which will later be either edited, discarded or included in the final version. I invite you to leave your comments after these articles as to what actions you’ve taken and the results you got; even any questions you may have or “additions” you would like added or have me comment on.

So you don’t miss any of these excerpts I suggest that you “Follow by Email” somewhere on this page. That’s an RSS feed so I don’t “capture” your email. But later when I have it set up, you’ll want to give me your email so I can get you “special updates” and “goodies” as this project moves forward.

…….. DO More to BE more to HAVE more ……..

Have you purchased my latest? How to Magnetize Abundance? It’s only $9.99 at Amazon.

If you just can’t wait for my 1-2-3 Prosperity System, you may consider my friend’s course for now. Here’s an awesome video to watch whether you get it or not. It is about visualizing what you want. WATCH IT HERE.

Oh, and BTW, if you aren’t getting your “Daily Dose of the Cosmos” see what is “up” today here

Until next time,

Make it a great day!
Ter Scott!
Life & Legacy Coach ™

PS. Don’t keep the Secret Rules of Attainment a “Secret”; pass it on by sharing this link or using the social media buttons below!

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