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Do you Respect Your Money?

Respect your Money and Your Money will Respect you.

This is the beginning of a series of “chapters” which will help anyone to “Get Over Money”™. If you want to be sure to get updates, register with the “Follow my Email” box somewhere on this page.
What I will share with you will seem absurd and very crazy to you; especially if you are broke. My thoughts and exercises will definitely help you to “get over money”. Know that if you’ve had a “money situation” for a while, it may take “awhile” to improve it. Don’t be concerned, just keep diligent and follow what I share.

Right now, go to your wallet or purse where you keep your money and pull out all of your bills. Are they in order from small to large with the ones, placed before the fives, before the tens, and on up? If not, place them in that order and also, make sure that they are face up and upright. Every day before you start your day, as part of your routine and make sure your money is organized and you know how much money you are carrying in your pocket.

Finally, a Weight System using your Mind to Lose Weight Now; and costs a buck for a limited time.

It is finally published!!! And the good news is that the entire system which would cost over $1000 if you were to travel and attend the one day seminar, has been reduced to the very affordable price of $27. 

However, I have even greater news. For a very limited time I am offering the entire system and the 3 bonuses for only a Buck! But that is only for a few days and to those who will promise to reply with a few sentences testimonial; that's it. Go through the system (a week minimum but the system is really meant to be long term; a year and more) and then tell me what you think! 

If you want the system for only a buck, please act now. Use the contact form on this page and request the Coupon Code. 

You think you've tried everything, but if you had, you would be your ideal weight, really! 

Hello. My name is Terry Scott and I'm not a weight expert. And, I've never really had to watch my weight at all (OK, there was a time when I broke up with my girlfriend and didn't eat for weeks; man I was not my ideal weight!)

So, why should you even read this next sentence or pay any attention to what I have to say? 

Because I know the secret. Not the secret to losing weight, or as in my case, gaining weight, but to find and maintain your IDEAL weight! 

It's all in our minds; really! 

Everything starts with our thoughts. Let me ask you, have you been thinking negative things about yourself, your weight and a lot of other things about your life, your relationships and your outcomes? 

If so, you are not unusual. Many people are going through the struggles and ups and downs that you are and that is why I had to write this information and get this method in your hands. 

As T.H.E. Life & Legacy Coach™ I stumbled upon this thousands of years old technique as I was reading some old books and combined this with my own systems which I use to teach my clients how to relax, meditate and affirm success to create the system I call Meditate Your IDEAL Weight

Why not find out more about my newest program, Meditate Your IDEAL Weight? For a limited time, I'll be including 3 bonuses to get you started right and going in the right direction: 


CLICK HERE TO READ MORE ABOUT Meditate Your IDEAL Weight, the 3 Bonus books above; plus some other exciting things I'll include to the first several purchasers.

Thank you for purchasing Meditate Your IDEAL Weight.

If you are seeing this page you've purchased the system, Meditate Your IDEAL Weight (or you've stumbled upon this page and if this interests you CLICK HERE to learn more. If there is no link, that page hasn't yet been created).

Your complete system should be waiting for you. To get the most out of your system I suggest that you do the following:

Print the entire book. 
This makes it easier to read. You could even 3 hole punch it and place it in a binder. 

Write notes in the margins. 

Refer back to the pages often. 

Your should see results in as little as 3 sessions. It's best that you track your progress and thoughts so you know that you are advancing.

This page is where you'll leave your questions and comments for me to reply. For the first 30 days you'll have the option to email questions and comments to me one time per week. (After the 30 days, you can leave as many comments and questions below as you'd like).

Your Bonus Books are at the end of Meditate Your IDEAL Weight...

As a purchaser of Meditate Your IDEAL Weight you can request any updated versions at no additional fee. You'll be notified on this page when updates may be available.

If you have questions, please use the email and instructions you receive with the Meditate Your IDEAL Weight System.

Thank you so much for your purchase and I look forward to hearing great things from you!


Terry (Ter) Scott!
As T.H.E. Life & Legacy Coach™