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Has the Genius of Intuition saved you or presented you with opportunity?

What is the Genius of Intuition? 

Have you ever had the experience of acting on a “hunch”, “inspiration” or the “prompting of that little small voice inside”?

If you have, what happened? Were you saved from an accident, death or a negative event or on the other hand were you presented with an opportunity such as a promotion or a positive life changing event?

Please share them in the comments or use the contact form on this page if your comment is too large for the comments area. 


Create your “This Week Seek” Sheet

So you have goals that you want to reach in 12 months, 90 days, this month and this week. Have you listed them? Are you keeping them in front of you at all times so when you “see” them along your “path” that you are able to “recognize” them and then take action?

 One tool I’ve developed is what I call the “This Week Seek” list.

Take the goals and opportunities you desire to accomplish from your 12 months, 90 days, and month to this week. You can have ten on your list; that is usually a good number. Your intent is not to accomplish or attain all ten but to be aware of all ten all around you. You find what you “seek”. You find what you “are”. This is why you actually don’t “attain” things or “get” things; you “become” things.

Are you looking for a new home, a new job, a new opportunity or new relationship? A new home, job, opportunity and relationship are all around you but you can’t see them! Without your “This Week Seek” list you will literally walk by a home for sale without seeing it. You may not hear a coworker mention an opening in your company. Without your “This Week Seek” list you may have your head stuck in your book or cellphone when that awesome person walks by.

You won’t have to have to display your “This Week Seek” list but you can in your private bathroom or binder when possible so you can refer to it often. But just the mere writing it down and looking at it in the morning when you wake and before going to sleep at night will keep it “top of mind” in awareness.

Try the “This Week Seek” this week and let me know how it worked for you. Every night review your day and checkoff or write a comment in your journal about those desires on your list which you became aware and any results which came from your awareness. I’d love to have you share them in the comments below so others can learn from your experiences.

Make it a great day!

Ter Scott! Life & Legacy Coach™

Hello. I'm Ter Scott! I've learned much from Jack's seminars and materials; and I'm currently enrolled in his Train the Trainer Certification course. So you know that I'm "sold" on what he presents. Below I'm inviting you to check out his One Day to Greatness (I've attended that also). You'll get a lot out of just clicking on this link and going through the free information. Then if you choose to continue there is a small fee and because I'm sharing this opportunity with you, I'll get a very small fee. Click on the link and enjoy! 

Monday is “Think Big” Day.


Monday is “Think Big” Day. Compile a list of everything you want. Be brave, crazy (or whatever helps you to think freely) and think big.

Start as soon as you can; sometime today, sit down with pen and paper and write down your biggest wishes and wish list. You’ll add to this as the day continues and as you revisit your Monday Think Big Day routine. There are ways to stimulate your ideas but for now just write out a few things under these categories:

With anything being possible, for me, I choose to do:

(Example: I choose to take an Alaskan Cruise).

With anything being possible, for me, I choose to be:

(Example: I choose to be the number one in sales for the next 90 days).

With anything being possible, for me, I choose to have:

(Example: I choose to have a beautiful large home on the beach).

Be free and go “crazy” or “wild” if those terms help you to be free in your thinking and coming up with ideas. We will work with them later to make them achievable and real.

Throughout this entire day carry a 3 x 5 card and write something on it that you want to do, be or have. Later transfer them to your sheet; or better still, a notebook.

The cool part about this exercise is that whatever you can think up, you can have because you are “you” and what you think of are your desires and your desires are yours to create and have. If you’ve not been with me and my “teachings” for any time, that statement may be “too big” for you to understand. That’s OK, trust me and trust yourself.

Congrats, you are taking action. The Universe loves action.

See you on Tuesday!

Ter Scott! Life & Legacy Coach™

Comments, questions? Leave them below.

Business Advisor, Ter Scott shares how to beat Spyware and Malware... f ree book.

 Here is this week's featured F R E E eBook:

My name is Ter Scott and I'm in business to help business. I add value to everything that I do and I offer a free weekly book which can help your business; all with no strings attached. Read and use the material to become a better business person and/or create and improve your business. 

Again, there is absolutely NO STRINGS ATTACHED; really. Use this link and download the book; you don't even need to leave your email. 

However, now that you are here, following is my quick "commercial". If now or in the future I can serve you in any of these three ways I'm sharing below, I would be glad to serve you in the same attitude using "added value" as I've hopefully already shown you. 

Enjoy your book

Ter Scott! Business Advisor and Resource Consultant

Here's what I do (My "Commercial"): 

Save you time, money and hassles when ordering branding solutions:

Find you the money your business is literally throwing away each month with our Business Expense Audit. 

If we don't find you monies you don't pay; but you'll know all is good and you aren't wasting money in these areas: Credit Card Processing, Employer Payroll,  Tax Incentives, Parcel Shipping, Property Owner Tax Incentives, Property Taxe, Waste & Recycling, Work Comp Insurance and more. It only takes about 5 minutes to search our secured online data base.

Educate Business Owners on State and Federal Issues with NFIB Membership

I also believe strongly in the power of small business and how we can support one another as owners educated and knowledgeable about what is happening at our state capital and in Washington D.C. Some time ago I was selected to be the membership rep for NFIB in my area. I've now trained and recruit membership reps along with my regular duties. If you are a business owner and are not yet a member of your local NFIB group, invite you to allow me to register you and offer my own special brand of service to you. 

Find out more here. 

Thanks again. I'll see you again with another f r e e book! 

What 3 things you must do when someone wrongs you.


What 3 things you must do when someone wrongs you.

So you've had somebody wrong you. Here’s what you must do and do this as fast as you can.

Take responsibility and accept this as being your own fault. This is an “advanced” thinking technique and you may not have heard of such and may not be “ready” for it. If you’d like to discuss this further please leave your comments.  But regardless, know that you are not a victim.

Secondly, you must release this, release and forgive the person: don't hang on to it.

And thirdly, don't talk about it. This happened in what is now called “the past” and it no longer exists; at this very moment. When you continue to speak about the past at “this very moment”, you are creating your very next moment and every moment going forward. Your words create your future so watch what you say and get on with your (awesome) future!  

Like what you've read? Would you like to move forward in success, balance and abundance? Inquire about one with one coaching by Ter Scott, Life & Legacy Coach™ . Inquire. 

Jack is one of my mentors. I've arranged to get this 
information to you. It's very educational and if you '
choose to start or purchase anything I'll get a 
small commission for sharing this but
please know that I would not jeopardize my
reputation by sending you to something 
I don't use myself or feel is reputable. 
Jack is the real thing. 

Are you "Declaring" your Affirmations?


Say each affirmation out loud at least twice a day.


Today is Sunday and it’s the day we’ve set aside to focus on “declaring”. Creating affirmations and “thinking” them and even stating them is fine but you’ll bring to to fruition faster when you “declare” them.

To declare something by definition is (borrowed from; one of my favorite sources):

verb (used with object), de·clared, de·clar·ing.

to make known or state clearly, especially in explicit or formal terms:to declare one's position in a controversy.

to announce officially; proclaim:to declare a state of emergency; to declare a winner.

to state emphatically:He declared that the allegation was a lie.

to manifest; reveal; show:Her attendance at the rally declared her political allegiance.

From the above we learn that we must state our affirmation “clearly”, to “proclaim” it and to state it “emphatically”.

The word “declare” appears in the Bible 445 times so I think declaring is very important. For this next week, pay closer attention to your affirmations and “declare” them. We’ll visit this again next Sunday.

Return here to learn how to create affirmations every day of the week.  You’ll also be the very first to learn about new materials and the opening of the private Facebook group, Affirmation Builders.

Like what you see? Why not share it using the Social Media Buttons which follow? 

Would you like to learn about Ter Scott's Coaching on these and other Life & Legacy™ principles? Inquire. 


Create each affirmation using "ing" to bring it to your "present"

 Welcome Affirmation Builder! 

DAY SIX. Write each affirmation in the present tense using a verb that ends in “ing"


Happy Saturday!

In the Daily Affirmation to Reality System, on Saturdays we review our affirmations we’ve created during the previous five days to be sure that they end in “ing”. Just as Saturday is thought of as a week “end”, we are then reminded and reinforce the requirement to add the “ing” at the “end” of our affirmations. Repetition has been said to be the “mother of all learning” and revisiting this step every Saturday, from this point forward will ensure this.

A good thought:

I express love to everyone I meet.

Add “ing” to bring your affirmation into the “now”:

I am expressing love to everyone I meet.

“I am” (from our Thursday “I am” sessions); along with adding the “ing” brings your goal or desire to your “now”.

Write a few of your own affirmations and share them in the comments area if you'd like. 

Return here to learn how to create affirmations every day of the week.  You’ll also be the very first to learn about new materials and the opening of the private Facebook group, Affirmation Builders.

First Chapter of Sleep Well & Manifest by Ter Scott...


I am offering this first chapter of Sleep Well & Manifest to my readers. If you would like to know when the book is published and the complete system is launched, request prior notification in the contact form on this page. You'll be notified about the pre-launch discount pricing and any exclusive bonuses I will include for early participants. 

Also, after going through this chapter if you have questions or comments, please share them below. I may use them in my future published materials if I feel they are valuable to others. (Please note that I can not offer remuneration for usage).