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What is the Cast from the Movie: The Secret Doing Now?

When the student is ready, the teacher will appear; but will you know about it? 

With my LOA Alerts eLetter, you will!
  • ·         Have you watched the movie: The Secret?
  • ·         Are you now a “follower” of the tenants of the Law of Attraction (LOA)?
  • ·         Have you wanted to get more information and know about events that are available? If so, I have some great news for you.

First, I have just a few more questions for you to see if I’m speaking to the right “audience”.

  • ·         Have you “kicked yourself” for missing out of one of the many events put on by one of the movie’s main people such as Bob Proctor, Joe Vitale, and Jack Canfield (to name just a few) because you didn’t know about it?
  • ·         Have you missed out on any of their newest products as they become available; many of which are totally free?
  • ·         Would you like to “be on top of things” and know when these great teachers are hosting events and have great products (and specials; even free things) available and never miss out again?

OK, here’s the good news I told you about earlier.

I have a system where I keep tabs on just about everything these teachers do and offer in the way of events and products (I’ve done this for years for my own self-improvement and to be at my best in coaching my clients). And as I’ve said twice already, many of these LOA instructors offer things that are absolutely free; but you need to know about them (in a timely manner) so you can take advantage of any limited offers available. I use my “tracking” system to keep abreast of most all of the actions and movements of these great teachers (don’t worry; I’m not “stalking” them, I just “have my ways”).

My system isn’t 100% foolproof, as I don’t know what they are up to 100% of the time. However, in using my system, my staff informs me of the most important events and offers and I’ll filter out the “repeats” and get the information to you on a weekly basis via your email box.

How much does this LOA Teacher Alert eLetter Subscription cost?

How much would you expect to pay for the exclusive news stating that you can save 20 to 50% on one of these teacher’s events? When a week-long event is an investment of several thousands of dollars, 20 – 50% isn’t pocket change!

How much would you expect to pay for a publication that alerts you to when one of these speakers are in your area, is offering one of their products for reduced rates, or for free? And then if you put in action just one of the steps they teach you and you become a better person, make more money and/or have improved relationships, what price would you place on that?

I think you’d agree that this knowledge is time sensitive and priceless. It’s tough to put any price on this service and some have told me that I should at least charge around $500 a year for this “once a week” updated eLetter delivered to you, privately right in your email box!

The price I’ve settled on is only $99 per year. However - …. Wait for it….

The LOA Teacher Alert eLetter (normally priced at $99) is totally FREE for a limited time. This is my gift to my faithful readers, and to any newcomers reading this. The (limited) time frame is purposely undisclosed and when I have met my number of people that I feel should receive this as my gift, I will price it at $99 per year with a discounted price of only $49 when you supply a special coupon code.

So there you have it; plain and simple, this is absolutely FREE today. Come back again to read this and it may be at the $99 yearly price with the $49 discounted price. Why not take a moment now to request it free by clicking on the image or CLICK HERE to go to my “response page”. It is my general request page so be sure to fill it out completely and state that you are requesting the LOA Teacher Alert eLetter (free for 12 months*).

Your free LOA Teacher Alert eLetter  subscription will expire in 12 months and you may renew it at that time for a discounted price. As long as you renew, you’ll always get it at the discounted price.
I really, really (in some ways) do not want to offer the LOA Teacher Alert eLetter free because many people will not realize the great value in this and therefore “cheat” themselves of the power and potential they could receive from its worth. So I definitely will only offer this for FREE only on a very limited time basis.

I look forward to receiving your request and getting you your first emailed issue to you in about a week or less. CLICK HERE to request your FREE 12 MONTH emailed subscription. 

Make it a great day!
Ter Scott!

These are most of the cast from the movie, The Secret. Every week I'll let you know which of these people have events or materials available: 

Joe Vitale, Michael Beckwith, Bob Proctor, James Arthur Ray, Jack Canfield, Loral Langemeier, Neale Donald Walsch, John Demartini, Mike Dooley, Denis Waitley, Marie Diamond, Morris E. Goodman, Fred Alan Wolf, John Hagelin, Marci Shimoff, Hale Dwoskin, Ben Johnson, John Assaraf and others.