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What is the Meaning of a Red Rose?

Rose; Specifically the Red Rose

Per Wikipedia: The rose is a type of flowering shrub. Its name comes from the Latin word Rosa. The flowers of the rose grow in many different colors, from the well-known red rose or yellow roses and sometimes white or purple roses. Roses belong to the family of plants called Rosaceae. All roses were originally wild and they come from several parts of the world, North America, Europe, northwest Africa and many parts of Asia and Oceania. There are over 100 different species of roses. The wild rose species can be grown in gardens, but most garden roses are cultivars, which have been chosen by people.

Welcome to today's color brought to you by Cosmos Color Communication. Enjoy this article and if you'd like to continue on a FREE daily journey of color, CLICK HERE to find out how. 

Please do your own research on the color red, rose, 
and red roses today. 

Do not spend a lot of time on this, just enough to satisfy your thoughts and know that the details in the paragraphs on the pages you find in your search are specifically those which you are meant to read and apply. Then use a red colored pencil and jot a few notes in your Color Communication Journal and date it for today. When possible, also write a few thoughts on a 3 x 5 card or pocket notebook in which you can review through your day.

Also, in your search, you’ll find how red has to do with your body (heals) and how it helps in other areas in your life. The 1, 2 or 3 things which “pop” out at you are those which you should work with; don’t over think this.

One site I found mentioned this:

A yellow rose symbolizes joy, protection against envious lovers, and a mature love. White roses symbolize purity, mysticism, and a secret admirer. Red roses are typically thought of as symbolizing romance or passionate love, but they also represent sacrifice or memorial.
Does any of the above have any meaning to you?

A red rose means perhaps that you should attract a relationship. Or, to mend one.  Do you need to tell someone (or “someones”) that you love them? Ask, “How does this information apply to me; today?”
Now sit quietly for about 5 to 10 minutes and ask, “How should I use these, the color red, the color rose; or even red roses?” You’ll get answers such as I should buy roses for someone or my self today, wear red clothes, buy something in red or dine in a room which is red.

Copy and paste pictures of red roses in a word document and print it out and carry with you today. Write your goals and affirmations directly over the pictures or on the page. Tonight look at these pictures before going to sleep and tomorrow display somewhere in your home or office. Consider framing them, have fun with it!

As with anything, you could certainly take a long journey in searching this color; meaning that you could spend several days, or a week discovering more and more and using it to modify your health, wealth, and wisdom. This will be up to you. However, know that you’ll have another Daily Dose of the Cosmos tomorrow with a new Added Color for you. Only you know if you should accept colors daily, weekly or less often.

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