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Hello Friend.

I’m glad that you are reading this today. (And I hope you’ll join the RSS feed; Follow by Email somewhere on this page so you’ll never miss any of these articles).

As I’m getting ready for my 5 weeks of one on one E-Coaching for a limited number of people who are acting on their desire to attain with The POWER of Balance course, today I want to share with you a great technique for your to attain anything you desire in the areas of the Major 8 ™.

First I want to say “thanks” to all who will attend The POWER of Balance, 5 week one on one E-Class that starts on the 18th. There are still places left. I can only accept a limited number because it’s like working with a large class of college students each doing an “independent” study. I know it may be “expensive” for many of my readers but that’s the point; or one of them anyway. It needs to “hurt” just a little so you have “skin” in the game and will do the required work. But believe me, you will thank yourself (and your coach, yours truly) after these five weeks. If you have a “financial situation” I may be able to work out a payment plan for a few people but when I met the number of people I want to work with, this will be closed and I don’t know if I’ll repeat this course again.

The class starts January 18th so if you are interested please, if you have questions or comments, complete a response form at: or pay for your registration on the same page. If you pay after the class is “full” I will refund your money.

So here’s what I have for you today.


With this action, you’ll not only be creating your physical book of pictures but by doing these steps in the next 7 days, you’ll also create reality from your thoughts. Thoughts are things. Bob Proctor tells us that “if we see it in here (your mind), you’ll see it in here (your hand). Let’s get started.

Make a list of the Major 8™ as listed at the top of this page, in a word document.

Under each of the 8 headings, type just one (your biggest desire) that you seek for that heading; be as specific as you can. For instance, under MONEY state the exact amount you need and the date you want it.

Go to the Internet and do a Google or Bing Search (BTW, if you know anything about search engines, I know that guy who has created the newest search engine that is about to launch. You may be interested in getting in on the opportunity FREE. I’ll include a link at the end of this article).

When at your favorite search engine, enter the search key word/phrase that would bring up what it is that you desire; click on “images” if you are not already there. Using our example of MONEY and your exact amount required in 7 days is: $1250 for a particular need, you probably won’t find an exact picture of a pile of money equaling $1250; no worries. Any picture of a pile of money will work.

I’m not a lawyer but I’m thinking that you don’t have to worry about copyrighted pictures as long as you are not publishing this. Find a picture that indicates your desire, right click, copy and paste into your word document.

So now you have the Major 8 heading, with a your specific desire and a picture of that desire. Do this for every area of the Major 8™. I know that you may not have a “need” to meet in every area, and certain areas seem to be more “pressing” at the moment but list something in every area. This will help to keep you “in balance”!

Print and look at this twice daily. Once in the morning when you wake and then just before you go to sleep. Do this for 7 days. On day eight, update your desires and pictures and do for the next 7 days.

This is one of the things that I’ll be assisting my students in The POWER of Balance E-Class which is coming up soon! If it takes a small miracle or “moving Heaven and Earth” to do this, you owe it to yourself and those you love to treat yourself to a great future. The POWER of Balance will help you to achieve and attain. Make it work to attend. I promise not to let you down as I’ve set aside time to give my students undivided attention and it is guaranteed!

Get all the details here:

The class starts January 18th. If you have questions or comments, complete a response form at: or pay for your registration on the same page. I’m a real human and will respond to your inquire; it may take a few days as I keep myself busy. If you pay after the class is “full” I will refund your money.

Now I mentioned earlier how you can get in on the ground floor with the Internet’s newest search engine. I know the guy who created this, Mike G, as he’s known and he is allowing me to invite a number of my readers to join. I’m not going to tell you just how many I can invite but I will tell you that the pre-launch is about to happen so if you visit this site at this link, and it’s still “open” well then, “good on you”! It’s absolutely FREE to my readers (for how long; I do not know). So if you ever wished you could have paid money to get in on the ground floor with Yahoo, Bing or Google, do this today, this very moment if it’s still available (takes 2 minutes to do and yes, yes; yes- it’s FREE for now), click on the link below.

Blessings on you all. Create your MAJOR 8 VISION WEEK book, do what you can to enroll in The POWER of Balance, and make it a great day and a super week!

Ter Scott!

Get in now at the PRE-LAUNCH;
it’s FREE courtesy of Ter Scott,
Bricks to Clicks Marketing Consultant ™!

PS. Download your FREE Be, Do, Have 2016 Calendar Here.

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