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Unemployed Dad goes from nothing to $9117 per month...

I am privileged to have many readers (many subscribers even from Amazon; get it free for 14 days HERE, or sign on as a follower by email somewhere on this page). If you are a regular, you know that I want you to live a better life and have, be and do more.

However, I'm thinking that some people think that the "Law of Attraction" is all about having things fall from the sky without any effort on our parts; that is not the case. You will get what you desire but you do need to move forward in the direction. Remember, what you want to attract is attracted to you. Most people desire more money. Unfortunately money seems to be the biggest need from the Major 8 (my grouping of the major needs of everyone; please Google "Ter Scott Major 8" to learn more) but if we are honest with ourselves we'll admit that this is only one of the Major 8 that needs help!

For everyone who seeks "money", from time to time I will offer "income type" of programs. It doesn't cost you a cent to check these out and who knows, some of them may interest you and you'll become happily involved and earn the added income that you desire! Other times when you check these out, you'll come up with your own income producing idea!

So, here goes....

Companies worldwide are desperately searching for people just like you to type up their ads and post them online, and they'll pay you nicely in return. It's a win-win situation. They get more customers, you get paid. It's as simple as that. These companies have cash, LOTS of it and they're eager to share it with you. All types of individuals around the world are using this system to make more money than they ever could working in a boring, dead-end job. You can work part-time or full-time, it's all up to you.

Does that interest you? 

This is a successful work at home program with unlimited potential. We'll show you EXACTLY what you need to do to make money posting ads for companies online. It runs virtually on autopilot. Once your ads are submitted, they can be making money for you over and over. In other words, you don't have to be sitting in front of your computer all day just to make money. You can go play golf with your friends or go shopping at the mall with your family. It's totally up to you. That's the beauty of this system.

So, are you still reading and thinking good things come to those who wait, and wait and wait? Or are you feeling sorry for yourself because "Nobody knows the trouble I've seen..." is your song? This broke dad had a situation and did something about it. Here's his story...

Hi, my name is Ross Williams. Let me share a personal story with you. Back in 2007, I held an excellent position at a large IT company with a nice monthly salary. By 2008, the great recession hit. The company ran into financial problems and was forced to lay off over 50% of its staff. 

Unfortunately for me, I was included.

So there I was stranded, unemployed, with all the bills to pay and a family to support. Where I lived, such jobs weren't easy to come by. So I decided to do a little research. I spent many sleepless nights on the web just searching for something to do, anything that could help support me and my family. I just wanted a way to make money, and not lose it, as I soon found to be the case with numerous internet scams.

Just like you, I often stumbled upon all types of web sites offering me some money matrix scheme, promising me all the money in the world. Yeah, right! From stuffing envelopes, Multi Level Marketing, High Yield Investment Programs, to selling all types of useless products. You name it, I've been there, done that. Finally, I came across something that worked...

Like I said at the outset, get more information. This might not be for you but maybe you'll think of something that is for you just by reading the information shared at the site. Or even better still, you might know of someone who could do this; if so, show him this blog post.

For now, I leave you with the above.
Make it a great day!

Ter Scott!~
Life and Legacy Coach

........................... We're telling everyone about this. PLEASE VISIT THIS WEBPAGE even if you may or may not be interested in customized greeting cards.

Here is a new company that is trying to help others with its products. Even if you don't intend to use imprinted holiday greeting cards to send well wishes to prospects and customers this holiday season, please visit their site and look at least one product on the page (so the spiders and robots know you've been there). Why do this? This company gives away 25% to charity...

Do you send imprinted customized holiday greetings? If so, check out this site. 25% of the purchase price goes to charity!

(If no charity is mentioned, we’ll give to Bentleyville. It’s a free theme park in Duluth Minnesota. Visit it sometime!)

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